Molly Branch Cottage available on airbnb here
Our Story
In 2002, Ken Bennett first noticed the synchronized fireflies on his property. For years he enjoyed the fireflies with family and friends. In 2018, in memory of his late wife, Jeanette Bennett, Ken decided to open up the property and let more enjoy the sight of synchronized fireflies.
What You Can Expect
Visitors will be welcomed to a field with a large area for parking near the back of the property. Parking is free. They can then enjoy a short but relaxing walk along a gravel road and by a babbling creek as they make their way to the spot reserved for watching the fireflies. The site is handicap accessible. A golf cart is available for elderly ones or ones with small children. Finally, at the location, visitors will set up their chairs to look up the hill and up at the tree tops to see the various firefly species that live in the area.

Important To Note:
We encourage visitors to bring their own chairs. You will need a flashlight because it gets very dark. We will provide red cellophane for ones without it to put over the lens so as to not interfere with the fireflies. We want everyone to be safe, but please use it while walking by shining it down at the road, and never at the ridge.